Monday, July 26, 2010

Hot Summer Day !

Today is a HOT summer day ! It was HOT this morning when I got up....and on the muggy side. It is very humid out now. It is 89 3:30pm. They said we were going to be in the mid 90's......and we are getting to the hottest part of the day. As happens in North Dakota......we get storms after we have these hot muggy those will probably fire up later tonight.

Glad we got the grass cut and the picking from the garden done yesterday. I love our warm summers here in ND.... but this is just a bit hot for me to be out in it. The dogs are happy to stay in and lay on the floor in the air-conditioning.

We are waiting to hear if our Grandson will play baseball tonight. Their team is short a few players today. The boy's baseball season is winding down for the year.....and soon is will be school shopping and get back to the school routine.

Trying to to think of something "cool" for supper tonight.

1 comment:

  1. It was a scorcher today, I'm happy to have been at work where it's so cold I have to wear a sweater LOL. It's sure firing up in Hazen/Beulah area tonight!!

