Sunday, December 16, 2012

early Sunday morning............

Up early.........can't sleep........ I seem to have caught a doozy of a head cold......ugh.....NOT what I want.  But a few days of tea and tylenol......and it should be much better in a couple days.

As I read the paper in these early morning hours I think of other things.............the horrible tragedy in Connecticut heart just aches for them.  This sort of thing should never happen.....never.  Too many of these type of things happening.

I was reading the Forum....and there was several articles about the homeless population in Fargo....In the past few years our homeless population has increased...and is at an all time high this year.  Many more families are homeless......moms, and dads and kids......hard for me to who are homeless......just shouldn't be.  It isn't always the drug addicts and drunks who are homeless.......many were working people who used to have homes and jobs......and now.......they have nothing.
Makes me shudder to think it could be could be any of us. 

With Christmas right around the corner.......I hope we can all find it in our hearts and our pocketbooks to give a little something to those less fortunate.......whether it be to a homeless shelter.....the red kettles.......the animal shelters........just give a little something.  Together we can make a difference.

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