Time to catch up on things...... We had a great weekend at the lake.....Hot when we got home.....HOT yesterday...... Muggy and hot today....with thunderstorms brewing. So.....guess I should put my car in the garage...that way nothing will happen.....if I leave it out.....we will get hail.... Or so my way of thinking.
The garden grew like crazy just over the weekend !! Sure was fun to want a green pepper last night for supper and to be able to just go pick one !! And it was very good.
So.....now today it looks like a good day to work on my "inside projects"..(yes, I have plenty to keep me busy !)
I will keep an eye on the weather today and let you know how we do.
Yep those kinds of storms are lovely from a distance. So far it looks like we will be missed by the storms today, but you know ND, that could change in seconds.