It is time to get busy and get the flowerbeds weeded out......they are not too bad....but the darn weeds grow in the cool weather ! I am trying to discourage the pair of barn swallows from building their nest on the top of my OPEN window - I think it is the same pair that was here last year....they can build on the light (it is the least bothersome spot I guess) poor birds need to build and nest too !
It is these sunny days......that I am home.......that I just go nuts trying to do all the things that need to be done !......Too many things that all need doing at once ! I am not the best at multi-tasking so I spend part of my time spinning in circles. My friend told me something a few years ago.....and it plays over and over in my head "As much time as you have - that's how long it will take"........and it is so true !! ......... I seem to get more done under pressure.
I wish I had the power of "Jeannie"......some of you remember her - she just twitches her nose and it is DONE. I seem to be more like the Peanuts character who always has a cloud of dust and clutter following him around.....can't think of his name right now.
So now that I have had a moment to is time to get back to the tasks at hand.
Wish me luck !!
I hope you have a wonderful productive week ! I will let you know how I did.
Its good to know that I will be coming home to some dry weather. It's been very rainy in Seattle. I hope your flooding waters have receeded.