Thursday, April 20, 2017

Rainy Thursday

Rainy day........ normally I LOVE to nap on rainy days.... but I have a list of things to do today !
I am sewing and quilting and want to do a million other things............
I have lazy dogs laying here .......... they are not excited about going out in the rain either.....

Looks like Gus has the right idea...... sleep till the sun comes out.    My rhubarb is very happy it got some rain !...... I expect that I can pick it much earlier this year... maybe about 3 weeks.. and I can make a rhubarb dessert...... or just cook some rhubarb "sauce"...... So tell me....... what do you call a can of peaches.... when you open it and put it in a dish ?........... Peach SAUCE !!....... my husband and I have had that argument for years...... Peach sauce, Pear Sauce...... maybe we called it that because we put it in "sauce dishes"...... but... to me it will always be sauce.  What do you call it ????
Hope you have a good day !!!

1 comment:

  1. We always called it "a bowl of peaches/pears." lol...unless it was like "applesauce."
